UGC (HEI) regulations for Plagiarism

Penalties in case of plagiarism in academic and research publications
I. Level 0: Similarities up to 10% - Minor similarities, no penalty.
II. Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%
i) Shall be asked to withdraw manuscript.
III. Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%
i) Shall be asked to withdraw manuscript.
ii) Shall be denied a right to one annual increment.
iii) Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. Student/scholar for a period
of two years.
IV. Level 3: Similarities above 60%
i) Shall be asked to withdraw manuscript.
ii) Shall be denied a right to two successive annual increments.
iii) Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. Student/scholar for a period
of three years.
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